
July 5, 2017 / Comments (0)

Garrett ACE 150 Metal Detector Review

In this Garret ACE 150 review, we’ll look at the features of this metal detector and who it’s best for.

About the Garrett ACE 150 metal detector

The Garrett ACE 150 metal detector is a fabulous prospecting unit. Our friend Barb bought this kit for her 12-year-old niece Tegan last Christmas and it has been a huge hit and not just with Tegan, we hear she has to do battle with her sisters to be able to use it. The family was relieved that the Garrett 150 metal detector worked right away, straight out of the box. It came with all the bits and bobs you need when starting out – the headphones, batteries and instructions.

The family was relieved that the Garrett 150 metal detector worked right away, straight out of the box on Christmas Day. The last thing you want to have to worry about on Christmas Day is gifts that don’t work!

Because they’re new to prospecting, it took the family a few goes to figure out how to use it and we were able to pass on a few tips via Barb. They’re still uncovering bottle caps and other metal debris while hunting on the beach, but they’re getting better every time they use it. The girls have been proudly showing off all the coins they’ve found to anyone who visits their house.

It’s an easy-to-handle metal detector and not too heavy for the kids to use. The meter panel is clear and easy to read. Barb’s sister Donna loves that this activity is getting her girls to put down their phones and have fun outdoors together. They even beg to go prospecting on the weekend.

There’s not a lot of difference between the Ace 150 vs Ace 250, so for the price and the features, it’s a great unit for the hobbyist prospector and especially for kids.

The Garrett ACE 150 metal detector is sturdy, durable and reliable. With its excellent quality (the Garrett brand is trusted in metal detecting circles) the ACE 150, you can begin finding treasure right away—in your own backyard or wherever you travel. Easy to use for any age!

Click to check today’s price Garret ACE 150 review

What the Garrett ACE 150 is best for

We highly recommend the Garrett 150 metal detector for:

  • coin hunting
  • dry beach hunting
  • fresh water hunting

We also recommended this metal detector for jewelry hunting, ghost town hunting, and even competition events.

It’s a metal detector suitable for kids from ages 8 and up.

Fossickr- Beginner

Key features of the Garrett ACE 150 metal detector

For a metal detector on the affordable end of the scale, the Garrett ACE 150 sure is jam packed full of great features, including:

  • A coin depth indicator to determine the target depth – because you’ll want to know how far you have to dig
  • A low battery indicator – the battery icon remains on when the batteries become and you need to swap them
  • A headphone jack – quarter-inch (1/4″) size
  • A large LCD Screen with an easy-to-read target ID legend
  • Pushbutton controls  with easy one-touch operation
  • Adjustable arm cuff – very important, especially when kids are using it because our arm lengths aren’t all the same

You can change search coils with other ones from the ACE series. The metal detector is assembled with three pieces and when disassembled, is 24 inches.

Check our this Garrett video about the ACE 150.

Garrett ACE 150 specifications

For those of you with a bit more metal detecting experience, here are the product’s specs.

Target ID Cursor Segments 5
Iron Discrimination Segments 1
Accept/Reject Discrimination NO
Search Modes 3
Sensitivity/Depth Adjustments 4
Electronic Pinpointing No
Frequency 6.5 kHz
Audio Tone ID Levels   3
Standard Searchcoil 6.5″ x 9″ PROformance™
Length (Adjustable)   42″ to 51″ (1.06 m – 1.29 m)
Total Weight 2.7 lbs. (1.2 kgs.)
Batteries   4 x AA (included)

Garrett ACE 150 shipping information

Here are the things you need to know about its size and weight if you want to get one shipped:

  • Product dimensions: 22 x 11 x 5 inches
  • Item weight:  6.3 pounds
  • Shipping weight:  6.3 pounds

The Garrett ACE 150 warranty

Garrett equipment is protected by a limited parts and labor warranty for 2 years from the date of purchase. You can read more about the warranty on the Garrett website.

Click to check today’s price

Last modified: March 2, 2020

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